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Colt/Palomino - Northern Lights Baseball League

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Colt/Palomino – Northern Lights Baseball League

The Northern Lights Baseball Association (NLBA) is a cooperative program sponsored by several neighborhood communities of Chicago and the north suburbs.  The Association is designed primarily for player ages 15-17 in the Colt level and 18 and above in the Palomino level.   Play begins the first weekend in June and proceeds until the end of July.  Games will be played primarily on Saturdays and Sundays, but there may be some Friday games as well. 


While this is a highly competitive league, all players will be offered a roster spot if they register prior to the deadline.  We will not be conducting evaluations for the New Trier Colt and Palomino teams, but will try to honor player requests to be on a team with their friends while also dividing the teams as evenly as possible (based on prior knowledge and information provided by parents/coaches in the New Trier community).  Generally, players who have a medium to high skill level have the best experience.

If you have any questions regarding Colt/Palomino Baseball or are interested in coaching, please contact Stuart Lissner (


Note: While the KWBA creates the teams that we enter in this league, we do not create the rules or schedules under which it is run.